Thursday, May 22, 2008

Emily Gould’s ‘Times Magazine’ Story

Emily Gould NYT Cover

Emily Gould's Times Magazine story, "Exposed," is online now, and the comments on are surprisingly vicious. Yesterday we worried that the article, which would let much of America in on what it is like to be a prominent blogger, would only talk about Emily's personal experience and not reflect on a wider group of people. Today a quick scan of some article statistics gives us our answer. Keep in mind this is a story about how negatively her life was affected by writing too much about herself:

Number of words in "Exposed," by Emily Gould: 7,937
Number of those words that are the conjunction "and": 207
Number of those words that are the article "a": 225
Number of those words that are article "the": 344
Number of those words that are pronoun "I": 363
Number of those words that are the pronouns "I" or "me": 430

Amount Gould has earned, at a likely Times Mag rate of $2 per word, for self-referring pronouns: $860

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